Any inquiries regarding the CORE School of Dance competitive program
can be directed to coreschoolofdance@gmail.com.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact one of our Directors at 905-989-2017
A competitive dance team is designed for the serious dancer who is highly motivated in the performing arts. Being on a competitive team offers dancers the opportunity to develop confidence, enhance performance skills, build lasting friendships and memories, learn healthy discipline and stay in excellent physical fitness. Acceptance onto the CORE School of Dance competitive team is by audition only. Auditions and placements take place in May (dates TBD). Dancers invited to join the CORE competitive team must be prepared to commit to Summer Intensive classes and August choreography sessions.
Those selected for the CORE School of Dance competitive team will possess the following:
Be physically fit with emphasis on healthy mind and body
Be self-motivated and able to self-evaluate
Have solid technical and performance skills
Strong desire to grow and develop as a dancer
Have a sense of humour, bright smile, and positive attitude
Have respect for the team and staff
Show support for the studio, teachers and fellow dancers
The Competition Experience:
It is important to understand that the “competition” aspect of being a member of a Competitive Dance Team should be considered a “performance” opportunity. Competition results are strictly a subjective opinion, and each dancer’s growth should not be completely gauged by their scores or achievements at competitions. It is important to keep competition experiences positive, and most importantly, be proud of the growth and development that takes place within each dancer. Team members are not in competition with each other. Competitive students will strive to improve themselves and to work to their full capacity. Each dancer is uniquely different, each with their own strengths and their own weaknesses and each brings their own talent to the team as a whole.
Competition Season:
The competitive season begins in March and ends at the end of May. Competitions are typically limited to weekends but some will run Thursday through Sunday, therefor families must be willing to be flexible with school schedules and work schedules. Competition times and schedules are set by the organizer and therefore CORE Directors have little or no say. Dancers typically receive the schedule 2-3 weeks before each competition.
Attendance is mandatory for all dance classes. If students are missing, a choreographer is not able to do their job. Additionally, a standard is expected at each competitive level so if a dancer misses classes, it may affect their improvement of achievement. The studio will try its best to be flexible and accommodating with conflicts due to school and/or important family activities. However, by becoming a member of the CORE team, the competitive dancer and his/her family has agreed that this is a priority in the family schedule. Some extra, free of charge rehearsals may be scheduled closer to competitive season. Dance teachers do understand that they are dealing with busy children and socially active teens with many school demands; being a well-rounded individual is important, however, when it comes to participation on a competitive team, skills are constantly being taught....students must be present!
Attendance policy is as follows:
If a dancer must miss a class for a valid reason, they must notify the office/instructor in advance.
If a dancer misses more than 3 classes, the instructor will place a dancer on a probationary period during which attendance, commitment and attitude of the student will be closely monitored and discussed by the directors and all instructors. Any classes missed thereafter will require a doctor’s note. It is not fair to the rest of the team if some members do not attend regularly.
Should an instructor be forced to pull a dancer from a competitive routine due to poor attendance, the dancer will be moved to a recreational class at which time any paid entry fees or costume deposits are 100% non-refundable. (Attendance will be strictly monitored. The policy will be strictly followed)
Effort in class is extremely important to the progress of a competitive dancer. Focus and hard work are mandatory. All exercises must be fully executed and all dancers must display good effort in class in order to be rewarded with solos/duets and future competitive invites.
Lateness: It is important that dancers arrive at least ten minutes before class in order to allow time to change and prepare for class. All dancers must enter the studio fully prepared for dance class at the start time of their classes. Instructors will not be collecting dancers from the reception area and inviting them to class. Teachers will begin all classes on time, regardless of who is in attendance. If a dancer is more than 15 minutes late for a class, without giving the instructor notice ahead of time, they will not be permitted to participate in the class. This is to avoid the risk of injury because warm-up is an essential part of dance class.
Injuries: All injured dancers are expected to attend all choreography and technique classes even if only to observe. A doctor’s note will be required so that the instructor is aware of the extent of the injury and is involved in ensuring safe activity during the healing period. We respect the doctor’s recommendations for when a dancer should return to dance. In the event that a dancer is missing for a significant amount of classes OR a performance, the choreographer may re-block the dance without the injured student. The reason for this, is that many groups are choreographed for the number of dancers in the piece and missing a dancer would significantly affect the quality of the routine. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. If one dancer is missing, the competitions do not refund any paid entry fees.
General Competition Information
Competition Jackets are mandatory for all team members. A Deposit of $50.00 is Due By OCTOBER 1
Competition entry fees are billed in three installments and are DUE as follows:
Payment #1: September 25
Payment #2: October 25
Final Payment: November 25
Competition costume deposits of $ 50.00 per costume are due by OCTOBER 1